The CAR Logic Model
Strengthening student learning, teacher practice, and instructional leadership requires a systemic approach to school improvement that is built upon a shared vision and understanding. The Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) is a comprehensive framework designed to do just that.
CAR can play a critical role in:
- developing a viable curriculum;
- ensuring equitable access to high quality instruction;
- leveraging the power of professional learning communities (PLCs); and
- providing systemic tools and structures that support a district culture of collaboration and shared leadership.

“We need to work to re-engage our students, and we need to re-engage our teachers too. Working in a system that is mission-driven, coherent, and collaboratively developed will create a job that makes sense, provides pleasure, and has a rewarding impact. The CAR framework will help everyone to get to that very special place.”
Andy Hargreaves
University of Ottawa, Canada – 2022
Consider the project topics below and message us to obtain support.
Assessing Your Current Reality
Create a continuous cycle of school improvement using the CAR Rubric.
Climate & Culture
Create a collaborative culture marked by a positive climate for learning for both students and adults, shared leadership and a coherent approach to school improvement.
Climate & Culture Testimonial
“My students have become more independent. They take initiative to find ways to enhance and help facilitate their learning. My team has developed more awareness for allowing students to become more invested in their learning. We learned how important it is to include students in creating a learning atmosphere that is not only conducive to learning but also one that promotes independent learners.”
Designing the Master Learning Plan
Maintain a significant and consistent focus on professional learning communities’ (PLC) collaboration to improve instruction and student outcomes in professional learning community teams using the ten CAR conversations.
Collaborative Planning Testimontial
“Our PLC’s in k-12 have shown growth as teachers continue to have conversations surrounding the areas of curriculum, data, instructional practices, and resources to improve student performance. Teachers have become more collaborative in planning lessons, sharing strategies and creating common assessments.”

Creating Common Assessments
Assess the effectiveness of the use of common learning goals and PLC conversations to foster more effective collaborative analysis of formative assessment data that results in changes to instruction and improved student learning outcomes.
Data Analysis Driven Testimonial
“Progress made is evident in the areas of data analysis wherein student strengths and deficits are analyzed and discussed; reflection is encouraged; digging deeper in identifying curricular and instructional gaps as a result of data analysis.”
The CAR Process and Pilot Program
“The evaluation data collected over the 3.5 years of the “Strengthening Teaching, Leading, and Learning Project” … (evidenced) a common thread through the survey data collected from team members, leaders, and coaches and the CAR Rubrics that this project has built more collaborative teams, the space for these teams to work effectively and efficiently to improve student learning outcomes and processes for the work to be sustainable.
(Undoubtedly) every district was impacted by staffing changes as a result of the pandemic … (as well as) changes in scheduling and compromise(s to) the PLC time. However, where the leadership in several districts/schools protected the PLC time, it ensured that this work could continue.”